Want an envelope that weights 70lb? Now you can.
For many years we have offered Lightweight versions of our envelopes. We are excited to now offer Superlight™ envelopes.
Superlight™ fabric weighs a meager 1.1oz/sq.yd., (compared to our standard Caliber™ fabric at approximately 1.9oz) allowing for some incredibly light envelopes.
- 1.1 oz fabric
- available in a variety of colors*
- can be combined with our exclusive Kevron™ load tapes for even more weight saving
- Perfect combination with our collapsible Nano basket
- 250 hour / 6 year warranty**
- No upgrade cost
- O-31 Hopper: 67lb
- Z-90 (with Kevron™) 150lb
- O-90 (with Kevron™) 146lb
* Superlight™ fabric has its own range of colors
** Like our Caliber™ and Hyperlast™ fabrics, in normal use the fabric life should well exceed the warranty period